At GeosNet Media, we’re experts in developing well-executed social media agency campaigns—and in maximizing the SEO benefits of those social efforts. Let’s face it, social networks have changed the way consumers search, buy and interact on the Web. In order to take advantage of this emerging social scene, your company must effectively generate “referral traffic” from its blogs, Diggs and YouTube accounts. It’s a confusing, convoluted process—but we can help.

Using our proven, three-phase social media marketing strategy, we carefully develop, execute and measure the results of your social media campaigns. Then, we optimize your social content, making it shareable across networks and enabling users to jump in with comments, feedback and impressions about your company’s products and services. This type of “viral marketing” generates free publicity for your business—and is a profitable way to drive traffic to your website or storefront.

Teknick’s proven SMO strategies include:

  • Research and analysis of keywords
  • Writing and development of high-quality content
  • Improvement of content shareability
  • Creation of optimized social media profiles

Ultimately, social media optimization should build quality, inbound organic links that improve your search engine ratings as well as your social presence. To learn more about making tagging, bookmarking, blogging and RSS feeds work for you
