
What Twitter Fabric Means for Developers


Twitter has had a complicated relationship with developers.

In its earlier days, the social network encouraged third-party developers to build their own apps and services on top of the platform. But the company later began to roll out its own competing features (the most notable example of this is when Twitter created its own image sharing service, frustrating companies like Twitpic and Yfrog).

But Twitter made its biggest appeal yet to developers on Wednesday at Flight, the company's first mobile developer conference. There CEO Dick Costolo ...

More about Twitter, Social Media, Tech, Apps Software, and Apps And Software

By |October 23rd, 2014|Apps and Software|0 Comments

How Big Was Penguin 3.0?

Posted by Dr-Pete

Sometime in the last week, the first Penguin update in over a year began to roll out (Penguin 2.1 hit around October 4, 2013). After a year, emotions were high, and expectations were higher. So, naturally, people were confused when MozCast showed the following data:

The purple bar is Friday, October 17th, the day Google originally said Penguin 3.0 rolled out. Keep in mind that MozCast is tuned to an average temperature of roughly 70°F. Friday's temperature was slightly above average (73.6°), but nothing in the last few days indicates a change on the scale of the original Penguin update. For reference, Penguin 1.0 measured a scorching 93°F.

So, what happened? I'm going to attempt to answer that question as honestly as possible. Fair warning – this post is going to dive very deep into the MozCast data. I'm going to start with the broad strokes, and paint the finer details as I go, so that anyone with a casual interest in Penguin can quit when they've seen enough of the picture.

What's in a name?

We think that naming something gives us power over it, but I suspect the enchantment works both ways – the name imbues the update with a certain power. When Google or the community names an algorithm update, we naturally assume that update is a large one. What I've seen across many updates, such as the 27 named Panda iterations to date, is that this simply isn't the case. Panda and Penguin are classifiers, not indicators of scope. Some updates are large, and some are small – updates that share a name share a common ideology and code-base, but they aren't all equal.

Versioning complicates things even more – if Barry Schwartz or Danny Sullivan name the latest update “3.0”, it's mostly a reflection that we've waited a year and we all assume this is a major update. That feels reasonable to most of us. That doesn't necessarily mean that this is an entirely new version of the algorithm. When a software company creates a new version, they know exactly what changed. When Google refreshes Panda or Penguin, we can only guess at how the code changed. Collectively, we do our best, but we shouldn't read too much into the name.

Was this Penguin just small?

Another problem with Penguin 3.0 is that our expectations are incredibly high. We assume that, after waiting more than a year, the latest Penguin update will hit hard and will include both a data refresh and an algorithm update. That's just an assumption, though. I firmly believe that Penguin 1.0 had a much broader, and possibly much more negative, impact on SERPs than Google believed it would, and I think they've genuinely struggled to fix and update the Penguin algorithm effectively.

My beliefs aside, Pierre Far tried to clarify Penguin 3.0's impact on Oct 21, saying that it affected less than 1% of US/English queries, and that it is a “slow, worldwide rollout”. Interpreting Google's definition of “percent of queries” is tough, but the original Penguin (1.0) was clocked by Google as impacting 3.1% of US/English queries. Pierre also implied that Penguin 3.0 was a data “refresh”, and possibly not an algorithm change, but, as always, his precise meaning is open to interpretation.

So, it's possible that the graph above is correct, and either the impact was relatively small, or that impact has been spread out across many days (we'll discuss that later). Of course, many reputable people and agencies are reporting Penguin hits and recoveries, so that begs the question – why doesn't their data match ours?

Is the data just too noisy?

MozCast has shown me with alarming clarity exactly how messy search results can be, and how dynamic they are even without major algorithm updates. Separating the signal from the noise can be extremely difficult – many SERPs change every day, sometimes multiple times per day.

More and more, we see algorithm updates where a small set of sites are hit hard, but the impact over a larger data set is tough to detect. Consider the following two hypothetical situations:

The data points on the left have an average temperature of 70°, with one data point skyrocketing to 110°. The data points on the right have an average temperature of 80°, and all of them vary between about 75-85°. So, which one is the update? A tool like MozCast looks at the aggregate data, and would say it's the one on the right. On average, the temperature was hotter. It's possible, though, that the graph on the left represents a legitimate update that impacted just a few sites, but hit those sites hard.

Your truth is your truth. If you were the red bar on the left, then that change to you is more real than any number I can put on a graph. If the unemployment rate drops from 6% to 5%, the reality for you is still either that you have a job or don't have a job. Averages are useful for understanding the big picture, but they break down when you try to apply them to any one individual case.

The purpose of a tool like MozCast, in my opinion, is to answer the question “Was it just me?” We're not trying to tell you if you were hit by an update – we're trying to help you determine if, when you are hit, you're the exception or the rule.

Is the slow rollout adding noise?

MozCast is built around a 24-hour cycle – it is designed to detect day-over-day changes. What if an algorithm update rolls out over a couple of days, though, or even a week? Is it possible that a relatively large change could be spread thin enough to be undetectable? Yes, it's definitely possible, and we believe Google is doing this more often. To be fair, I don't believe their primary goal is to obfuscate updates – I suspect that gradual rollouts are just safer and allow more time to address problems if and when things go wrong.

While MozCast measures in 24-hour increments, the reality is that there's nothing about the system limiting it to that time period. We can just as easily look at the rate of change over a multi-day window. First, let's stretch the MozCast temperature graph from the beginning of this post out to 60 days:

For reference, the average temperature for this time period was 68.5°. Please note that I've artificially constrained the temperature axis from 50-100° – this will help with comparisons over the next couple of graphs. Now, let's measure the “daily” temperature again, but this time we'll do it over a 48-hour (2-day) period. The red line shows the 48-hour flux:

It's important to note that 48-hour flux is naturally higher than 24-hour flux – the average of the 48-hour flux for these 60 days is 80.3°. In general, though, you'll see that the pattern of flux is similar. A longer window tends to create a smoothing effect, but the peaks and valleys are roughly similar for the two lines. So, let's look at 72-hour (3-day) flux:

The average 72-hour flux is 87.7° over the 60 days. Again, except for some smoothing, there's not a huge difference in the peaks and valleys – at least nothing that would clearly indicate the past week has been dramatically different from the past 60 days. So, let's take this all the way and look at a full 7-day flux calculation:

I had to bump the Y-axis up to 120°, and you'll see that smoothing is in full force – making the window any larger is probably going to risk over-smoothing. While the peaks and valleys start to time-shift a bit here, we're still not seeing any obvious climb during the presumed Penguin 3.0 timeline.

Could Penguin 3.0 be spread out over weeks or a month? Theoretically, it's possible, but I think it's unlikely given what we know from past Google updates. Practically, this would make anything but a massive update very difficult to detect. Too much can change in 30 days, and that base rate of change, plus whatever smaller updates Google launched, would probably dwarf Penguin.

What if our keywords are wrong?

Is it possible that we're not seeing Penguin in action because of sampling error? In other words, what if we're just tracking the wrong keywords? This is a surprisingly tough question to answer, because we don't know what the population of all searches looks like. We know what the population of Earth looks like – we can't ask seven billion people to take our survey or participate in our experiment, but we at least know the group that we're sampling. With queries, only Google has that data.

The original MozCast was publicly launched with a fixed set of 1,000 keywords sampled from Google AdWords data. We felt that a fixed data set would help reduce day-over-day change (unlike using customer keywords, which could be added and deleted), and we tried to select a range of phrases by volume and length. Ultimately, that data set did skew a bit toward commercial terms and tended to contain more head and mid-tail terms than very long-tail terms.

Since then, MozCast has grown to what is essentially 11 weather stations of 1,000 different keywords each, split into two sets for analysis of 1K and 10K keywords. The 10K set is further split in half, with 5K keywords targeted to the US (delocalized) and 5K targeted to 5 cities. While the public temperature still usually comes from the 1K set, we use the 10K set to power the Feature Graph and as a consistency check and analysis tool. So, at any given time, we have multiple samples to compare.

So, how did the 10K data set (actually, 5K delocalized keywords, since local searches tend to have more flux) compare to the 1K data set? Here's the 60-day graph:

While there are some differences in the two data sets, you can see that they generally move together, share most of the same peaks and valleys, and vary within roughly the same range. Neither set shows clear signs of large-scale flux during the Penguin 3.0 timeline.

Naturally, there are going to be individual SEOs and agencies that are more likely to track clients impacted by Penguin (who are more likely to seek SEO help, presumably). Even self-service SEO tools have a certain degree of self-selection – people with SEO needs and issues are more likely to use them and to select problem keywords for tracking. So, it's entirely possible that someone else's data set could show a more pronounced Penguin impact. Are they wrong or are we? I think it's fair to say that these are just multiple points of view. We do our best to make our sample somewhat random, but it's still a sample and it is a small and imperfect representation of the entire world of Google.

Did Penguin 3.0 target a niche?

In that every algorithm update only targets a select set of sites, pages, or queries, then yes – every update is a "niche" update. The only question we can pose to our data is whether Penguin 3.0 targeted a specific industry category/vertical. The 10K MozCast data set is split evenly into 20 industry categories. Here's the data from October 17th, the supposed data of the main rollout:

Keep in mind that, split 20 ways, the category data for any given day is a pretty small set. Also, categories naturally stray a bit from the overall average. All of the 20 categories recorded temperatures between 61.7-78.2°. The "Internet & Telecom" category, at the top of the one-day readings, usually runs a bit above average, so it's tough to say, given the small data set, if this temperature is meaningful. My gut feeling is that we're not seeing a clear, single-industry focus for the latest Penguin update. That's not to say that the impact didn't ultimately hit some industries harder than others.

What if our metrics are wrong?

If the sample is fundamentally flawed, then the way we measure our data may not matter that much, but let's assume that our sample is at least a reasonable window into Google's world. Even with a representative sample, there are many, many ways to measure flux, and all of them have pros and cons.

MozCast still operates on a relatively simple metric, which essentially looks at how much the top 10 rankings on any given day change compared to the previous day. This metric is position- and direction-agnostic, which is to say that a move from #1 to #3 is the same as a move from #9 to #7 (they're both +2). Any keyword that drops off the rankings is a +10 (regardless of position), and any given keyword can score a change from 0-100. This metric, which I call “Delta100”, is roughly linearly transformed by taking the square root, resulting in a metric called “Delta10”. That value is then multiplied by a constant based on an average temperature of 70°. The transformations involve a little more math, but the core metric is pretty simplistic.

This simplicity may lead people to believe that we haven't developed more sophisticated approaches. The reality is that we've tried many metrics, and they tend to all produce similar temperature patterns over time. So, in the end, we've kept it simple.

For the sake of this analysis, though, I'm going to dig into a couple of those other metrics. One metric that we calculate across the 10K keyword set uses a scoring system based on a simple CTR curve. A change from, say #1 to #3 has a much higher impact than a change lower in the top 10, and, similarly, a drop from the top of page one has a higher impact than a drop from the bottom. This metric (which I call “DeltaX”) goes a step farther, though…

If you're still riding this train and you have any math phobia at all, this may be the time to disembark. We'll pause to make a brief stop at the station to let you off. Grab your luggage, and we'll even give you a couple of drink vouchers – no hard feelings.

If you're still on board, here's where the ride gets bumpy. So far, all of our metrics are based on taking the average (mean) temperature across the set of SERPs in question (whether 1K or 10K). The problem is that, as familiar as we all are with averages, they generally rely on certain assumptions, including data that is roughly normally distributed.

Core flux, for lack of a better word, is not remotely normally distributed. Our main Delta100 metric falls roughly on an exponential curve. Here's the 1K data for October 21st:

The 10K data looks smoother, and the DeltaX data is smoother yet, but the shape is the same. A few SERPs/keywords show high flux, they quickly drop into mid-range flux, and then it all levels out. So, how do we take an average of this? Put simply, we cheat. We tested a number of transformations and found that the square root of this value helped create something a bit closer to a normal distribution. That value (Delta10) looks like this:

If you have any idea what a normal distribution is supposed to look like, you're getting pretty itchy right about now. As I said, it's a cheat. It's the best cheat we've found without resorting to some really hairy math or entirely redefining the mean based on an exponential function. This cheat is based on an established methodology – Box-Cox transformations – but the outcome is admittedly not ideal. We use it because, all else being equal, it works about as well as other, more complicated solutions. The square root also handily reduces our data to a range of 0-10, which nicely matches a 10-result SERP (let's not talk about 7-result SERPs… I SAID I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!).

What about the variance? Could we see how the standard deviation changes from day-to-day instead? This gets a little strange, because we're essentially looking for the variance of the variance. Also, noting the transformed curve above, the standard deviation is pretty unreliable for our methodology – the variance on any given day is very high. Still, let's look at it, transformed to the same temperature scale as the mean/average (on the 1K data set):

While the variance definitely moves along a different pattern than the mean, it moves within a much smaller range. This pattern doesn't seem to match the pattern of known updates well. In theory, I think tracking the variance could be interesting. In practice, we need a measure of variance that's based on an exponential function and not our transformed data. Unfortunately, such a metric is computationally expensive and would be very hard to explain to people.

Do we have to use mean-based statistics at all? When I experimented with different approaches to DeltaX, I tried using a median-based approach. It turns out that the median flux for any given day is occasionally zero, so that didn't work very well, but there's no reason – at least in theory – that the median has to be measured at the 50th percentile.

This is where you're probably thinking “No, that's *exactly* what the median has to measure – that's the very definition of the median!” Ok, you got me, but this definition only matters if you're measuring central tendency. We don't actually care what the middle value is for any given day. What we want is a metric that will allow us to best distinguish differences across days. So, I experimented with measuring a modified median at the 75th percentile (I call it “M75” – you've probably noticed I enjoy codenames) across the more sophisticated DeltaX metric.

That probably didn't make a lot of sense. Even in my head, it's a bit fuzzy. So, let's look at the full DeltaX data for October 21st:

The larger data set and more sophisticated metric makes for a smoother curve, and a much clearer exponential function. Since you probably can't see the 1,250th data point from the left, I've labelled the M75. This is a fairly arbitrary point, but we're looking for a place where the curve isn't too steep or too shallow, as a marker to potentially tell this curve apart from the curves measured on other days.

So, if we take all of the DeltaX-based M75's from the 10K data set over the last 60 days, what does that look like, and how does it compare to the mean/average of Delta10s for that same time period?

Perhaps now you feel my pain. All of that glorious math and even a few trips to the edge of sanity and back, and my wonderfully complicated metric looks just about the same as the average of the simple metric. Some of the peaks are a bit peakier and some a bit less peakish, but the pattern is very similar. There's still no clear sign of a Penguin 3.0 spike.

Are you still here?

Dear God, why? I mean, seriously, don't you people have jobs, or at least a hobby? I hope now you understand the complexity of the task. Nothing in our data suggests that Penguin 3.0 was a major update, but our data is just one window on the world. If you were hit by Penguin 3.0 (or if you received good news and recovered) then nothing I can say matters, and it shouldn't. MozCast is a reference point to use when you're trying to figure out whether the whole world felt an earthquake or there was just construction outside your window.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

By |October 23rd, 2014|MOZ|0 Comments

Vine Updates iOS App With Enhanced Discovery and Sharing Tools


Vine just made it easier for its users to discover and share new videos.

The iOS version of the app was updated Tuesday with new discovery features that allow users to find new videos, regardless of how many users they follow.

Vine users can now follow specific channels, a feature first introduced ...

More about Twitter, Tech, Vine, Ios Apps, and Apps Software

By |October 22nd, 2014|Apps and Software|0 Comments

Google and Others Sink $542 Million Into Mystery Virtual Reality Venture


Search giant Google, along with several other interests, just invested more than half a billion dollars in a mysterious venture called Magic Leap, a company that, based on various reports, is working on technology focused on the virtual reality and augmented reality space

So far, the company has kept a tight lid on what exactly it has to offer in terms of technical specifics but, whatever it is, Google and several other major players believe it's worth the $542 million in investment dollars announced on Tuesday

Also included in the investment round are Silicon Valley heavyweight venture capital firm ...

More about Google, Investments, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Wearable Tech

By |October 22nd, 2014|Apps and Software|0 Comments

Eye Tracking in 2014: How Users View and Interact with Today’s Google SERPs

Posted by rMaynes1

In September 2014, Mediative released its latest eye-tracking research entitled "The Evolution of Google's Search Engine Results Pages and Their Effects on User Behaviour".

This large study had participants conduct various searches using Google on a desktop. For example, participants were asked "Imagine you're moving from Toronto to Vancouver. Use Google to find a moving company in Toronto." Participants were all presented with the same Google SERP, no matter the search query.

Mediative wanted to know where people look and click on the SERP the most, what role the location of the listing on the SERP plays in winning views and clicks, and how click activity on listings has changed with the introduction of Google features such as the carousel, the knowledge graph etc.

Mediative discovered that, just as Google's SERP has evolved over the past decade, so too has the way in which search engine users scan the page before making a click.

Back in 2005 when a similar eye-tracking study was conducted for the first time by Mediative (formerly Enquiro), it was discovered that people searched in a distinctive "triangle" pattern, starting in the top left of the search results page where they expected the first organic listing to be located, and reading across horizontally before moving their eyes down to the second organic listing, and reading horizontally, but not quite as far. This area of concentrated gaze activity became known as Google's "Golden Triangle". The study concluded that if a business's listing was not in the Golden Triangle, its odds of being seen by a searcher were dramatically reduced.

Heat map from 2005 showing the area known as Google's "Golden Triangle".

But now, in 2014, the top organic results are no longer always in the top-left corner where searchers expect them to be, so they scan other areas of the SERP, trying to seek out the top organic listing, but being distracted by other elements along the way. The #1 organic listing is shifting further down the page, and while this listing still captures the most click activity (32.8%) regardless of what new elements are presented, the shifting location has opened up the top of the page with more potential areas for businesses to achieve visibility.

Where scanning was once more horizontal, the adoption of mobile devices over the past 9 years has habitually conditioned searchers to now scan more vertically—they are looking for the fastest path to the desired content, and, compared to 9 years ago, they are viewing more search results listings during a single session and spending less time viewing each one.

Searchers on Google now scan far more vertically than several years ago.

One of the biggest changes from SERPS 9 years ago to today is that Google is now trying to keep people on the result page for as long as they can.

An example is in the case of the knowledge graph. In Mediative's study. when searchers were looking for "weather in New Orleans", the results page that was presented to them showed exactly what they needed to know. Participants were asked to click on the result that they felt best met their needs, even if, if reality, they wouldn't have clicked through (in order to end that task). When a knowledge graph result exactly met the intent of the searcher, the study found 80% of people looked at that result, and 44% clicked on it. Google provided searchers with a relevant enough answer to keep them on the SERP. The top organic listing captured 36.5% of pages clicks—compared to 82% when the knowledge graph did not provide the searcher with the answer they were looking for.

It's a similar case with the carousel results; when a searcher clicks on a listing, instead of going through to the listing's website, another SERP is presented specifically about the business, as Google tries to increase paid ad impressions/clicks on the Google search results page.

How can businesses stay on top of these changes and ensure they still get listed?

There are four main things to keep in mind:

1. The basic fundamentals of SEO are as important as ever

Create unique, fresh content, which speaks to the needs of your customers as this will always trump chasing the algorithm. There are also on-page and off-page SEO tactics that you can employ that can increase your chances of being listed in areas of the SERP other than your website's organic listing such as front-loading keywords in page titles and meta descriptions, getting listed on directories and ratings and reviews site, having social pages etc. It's important to note that SEO strategy is no longer a one-size-fits-all approach.

2. Consider using schema mark-up wherever possible

In Mediative's 2014 Google SERP research, it was discovered that blog posts that had been marked up using schema to show the picture and name of the author got a significant amount of engagement, even when quite far down the first page—these listings garnered an average of 15.5% of total page clicks.

Note: As of August 2014, Google removed authorship markup entirely. However, the results are still a good example of how schema mark-up can be used to make your business listing stand out more on the SERP, potentially capturing more view and clicks, and therefore more website traffic.

In the study, participants were asked to "Imagine that you're starting a business and you need to find a company to host your website. Use Google to find information about website hosting companies". The SERP presented is shown below:

Almost 45% of clicks went to 2 blog posts titled "Five Best Web Hosting Companies" and "10 Best Web Hosting Companies".

In general, the top clicked posts were those that had titles including phrases such as:

  • "Best…"
  • "Reviews of…"
  • "Top 5…"
  • "How-to…"

According to Google, "On-page markup helps search engines understand the information on webpages and provide richer results…Google doesn't use markup for ranking purposes at this time-but rich snippets can make your web pages appear more prominently in search results, so you may see an increase in traffic."

Schema markup is probably the most under-utilized tool for SEO, presenting a huge opportunity for companies that do utilize the Google approved tool. Searchmetrics reported that only 0.3% of websites use schema markup, yet over a third of Google's results contain rich snippets (additional text, images and links below the individual search results). reports rich snippets can increase CTRs of listings between 15-50% and that websites using schema markup tend to rank higher in search results.

Schema mark-up can be used to add star ratings, number of reviews, pricing (all shown in the listing below) and more to a search results page listing.

3. Know the intent of your users

Understanding what searchers are trying to discover when they conduct a search can help determine how much effort you should try and put into appearing in the number one organic listing, which can be an extremely difficult task without unlimited budget and resources—and, even if you do make it the number one organic listing, traffic is not guaranteed as discovered in this reaserch. If you're competing with big name brands, or ratings and review sites, and THAT is what your customers want, they you are going to struggle to compete.

The importance of your business being the first listing vs. on the first page therefore, is highly dependent on the searcher's intent, plus the strength of your brand. The key is to always keep user intent top-of-mind, and this can be established by talking to real people, rather than guessing. What are they looking for when they are searching for your site? Structure your content around what people really want and need, list your site on the directories that people actually visit or reference, create videos (if that's what your audience wants)—know what your actual customers are looking for, and then provide it.

There are going to be situations when a business can't get to number one on the organic listings. As previously mentioned, the study shows that this is still the key place to be, and the top organic listing captures more clicks that any other single listing. But if your chances of getting to that number one spot are slim, you need to focus on other areas of the SERP, such as positions #4 or higher, which will be easier to obtain ranking for—businesses that are positioned lower on the SERP (especially positions 2-4) see more click activity than they did several years ago, making this real estate much more valuable. As Gord Hotchkiss writes about, searchers tend to "chunk" information on the SERP and scan each chuck in the same way they used to search the entire SERP—in a triangle pattern. Getting listed at the top of a "chunk" can therefore be effective for many businesses. This idea of "chunking" and scanning can be seen in the heat map below.

To add to that, Mediative's research showed that everything located above the top 4 organic listings (so, carousel results, knowledge graph, paid listings, local listings etc.) combined captured 84% of clicks. If you can't get your business listing to #1, but can get listed somewhere higher than #4, you have a good chance of being seen, and clicked on by searchers. Ultimately, people expect Google to continue to do its job, and respond to search queries with the most relevant results at the top. The study points out that only 1% of participants were willing to click through to Page 2 to see more results. If you're not listed on page 1 of Google for relevant searches, you may as well not exist online.

4. A combination of SEO and paid search can maximize your visibility in SERP areas that have the biggest impact on both branding and traffic

Even though organic listings are where many businesses are striving to be listed (and where the majority of clicks take place), it's important not to forget about paid listings as a component of your digital strategy. Click-through rates for top sponsored listings (positions 1 and 2) have changed very little in the past decade. Where the huge change has taken place is in the ability of sponsored ads on the right rail to attract attention and clicks. Activity on this section of the page is almost non-existent. This can be put down to a couple of factors including searchers conditioned behaviour as mentioned before, to scan more vertically, thanks to our increased mobile usage, and the fact that over the years we have learned that those results may not typically be very relevant, or as good as the organic results, so we tend not to even take the time to view them.

Mediative's research also found that there are branding effects of paid search, even if not directly driving traffic. We asked participants to "Imagine you are traveling to New Orleans and are looking for somewhere to meet a friend for dinner in the French Quarter area. Use Google to find a restaurant." Participants were presented with a SERP showing 2 paid ads—the first was for, and the second for the restaurant Remoulade,

The top sponsored listing,, was viewed by 84% of participants, and captured 26% of clicks. The second listing,, only captured 2% of clicks but was looked at by 73% of participants. By being seen by almost 3/4 of participants, the paid listing can increase brand affinity, and therefore purchase (or choice) consideration in other areas! For example, if the searcher comes back and searches again another time, or clicks to and then sees Remoulade listed, it may benefit from a higher brand affinity from having already been seen in the paid listings. Mediative conducted a Brand Lift study featuring Honda that found the more real estate that brands own on the SERP, the higher the CTR, and the higher the brand affinity, brand recognition, purchase consideration etc. Using paid search for more of a branding play is essentially free brand advertising—while you should be prepared to get the clicks and pay for them of course, it likely that your business listing will be seen by a large number of people without capturing the same number of clicks. Impression data can also be easily tracked with Google paid ads so you know exactly how many times your ad was shown, and can therefore estimate how many people actually looked at it from a branding point of view.

Rebecca Maynes is a Marketing Communications Strategist with Mediative, and was a major contributor on this study. The full study, including click-through rates for all areas of the SERP, can be downloaded at

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By |October 22nd, 2014|MOZ|0 Comments