Apps and Software

Massive Instagram update adds 5 new filters


Instagrammers: You're getting new filters for the first time in two years.

The company rolled out a massive update to its iOS and Android app Tuesday that adds five new filters and the ability to rearrange how filters appear within the app.

Instagram's new filters, Crema, Slumber, Ludwig, Aden and Perpetua, will now appear first in the filter tray of the updated app. It also made the filter tray itself smarter as the filter choices now display mini previews of what that filter would like if applied to your photo.

Users also now have the ability to reorder the app's filters or hide the ones they don't use. Scroll to the end of the filter tray to find the new "Manage" setting, which allows you to quickly personalize how and where your favorite filters appear in the Instagram app ...

More about Facebook, Social Media, Tech, Instagram, and Apps Software

By |December 16th, 2014|Apps and Software|0 Comments

Inside the 3D-printed dress that may be the future of fashion


Creating high fashion garments using 3D printers is a dream many creators have pursued in recent years — resulting in what is, for the most part, cobbled patchworks of 3D plastic that rank low in terms of actual wearability

Last week we told you about a new kind of 3D-printed clothing, the Kinematic dress, that offers hope for a range of more practical 3D-printed garments

We spoke with the Massachusetts-based team to find out how they came up with a way to fabricate 3D-printed clothing using a single piece of plastic that requires no post-printing assembly, moves naturally and actually has a fashionable design ...

More about Fashion, Design, Clothing, 3d Printing, and Tech

By |December 16th, 2014|Apps and Software|0 Comments

Windows 10 leak gives closer look at new apps, Cortana on PC


Microsoft is holding an event in January to showcase the "next chapter" of Windows 10, but a consumer build of the operating system leaked online on Sunday.

For Windows lovers who just can't wait for the big day, a video demo, above, from WinBeta shows an early version of Windows 10 in action. Some highlights include the PC version of Cortana, Microsoft's voice-activated digital assistant, and a better look at Windows 10 apps.


Video: YouTube, ...

More about Microsoft, Xbox, Tech, Apps Software, and Dev Design

By |December 15th, 2014|Apps and Software|0 Comments

Sony demands media delete ‘stolen’ data from hacked emails, report says


Sony Pictures sent a letter to several media outlets Sunday demanding they delete troves of emails delivered by hackers that resulted in an immense information dump which exposed the private dealings of the studio.

The New York Times reported that it and other media outlets received a letter from David Boies, an attorney hired by Sony, on Sunday. Boies characterized the hacked emails as "stolen documents," and asked outlets to cease publishing more information from them.

"We are writing to ensure that you are aware that SPE does not consent to your possession, review copying, dissemination, publication, uploading, downloading or making any use of the stolen information, and to request your cooperation in destroying the stolen information," said the letter, according to the Times. ...

More about Media, Entertainment, Movies, Sony, and Hackers

By |December 14th, 2014|Apps and Software|0 Comments

4 ways the Internet of Things brings us closer to ‘The Jetsons’


Are we all going to be woken up by smart-alarms right on schedule only to be scooped up out of bed and moved along a people mover, while rapidly receiving coffee and toast on our way to work in our flying fold-up cars? Well maybe not, but the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) turning more and more inanimate objects into smart devices via sensors, logic and Wi-Fi connections is propelling us into this once futuristic dream.

The Internet of Things is expected to grow to approximately 75 billion connections by 2020, merging our physical and online worlds. The implications for both consumers and marketers are obvious and far-reaching — as more consumers connect their everyday lives to an increasing number of smart devices, marketers will have the opportunity to not only better understand the lifestyles and habits of their customer, but offer even more personal and intimate contextual experiences than ever before. ...

More about Internet Of Things, Wearables, Advertising, Marketing, and Tech

By |December 14th, 2014|Apps and Software|0 Comments